Specialist lawyer for family law
Michael Eitel
Certified mediator and highly recommended German divorce lawyer
Specialist lawyer for family law
Certified mediator and highly recommended German divorce lawyer
Since more than 25 years, Michael Eitel is specialised in family law with extensive experience as a divorce lawyer, as well as in all related fields such as alimony payments, or goods and capital acquired during marriage.
He was one of the first lawyers in Germany to become a „specialised lawyer for family law“ in 1996. The „FOCUS“ magazine repeatedly ranked him among the top 100 most recommended German divorce lawyers in 2004, 2013 and in 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018 and 2019.
Since 2002, Michael Eitel is a certified mediator for the German Academy For Lawyers and in 2011, he founded the first arbitration board for married couples. He also is a member of „CoopeRAtion Familienrecht“ („Cooperation Family Law“, www.cooperation-fam.de), a nationwide association of specialised divorce lawyers, and an active contributor to the „Consortium Family Law“ since its establishment by the German Laywer’s Society.